A study of Social Media Data Management using R Programming


  • Mr. Kapil Sharma Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science & Engineering Institute of Engineering & Technology, Alwar
  • Nitin Sharma Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science & Engineering Institute of Engineering & Technology, Alwar


Social Media Data Management, R Programming


Since a regularly expanding piece of the populace influences utilization of web-based social networking in their everyday to lives, web-based Social Media Data Management (SMDM) is being broke down in various orders. The online networking Data Management process includes four particular advances, collection, data discovery,, preparation, and analysis. While there is a lot of literature on the difficulties and challenges including particular data analysis strategies, there scarcely exists inquire about on the phases of information revelation, accumulation, and planning. We propose a system for online social media data management is R.R is an open-source data analysis environment and programming language, allows user to conduct a number of tasks that are essential for the effective processing and analysis of more than 1000 TB of data. R includes different packages which are useful in analysis of data. The process of converting data into knowledge, insight and understanding is Data analysis, which is a critical part of statistics. For the effective processing and analysis of Social media Data, it allows users to conduct a number of tasks that are essential. Because R is a high level language, a function can have a deep hierarchy of operation. Although online social networking data processing might be proficient with different devices too, it is the point at which one stages on to the information examination that R truly stands interesting, outstanding to the huge amount of third-party algorithms and built-in statistical formulae available.


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