Progression Planning and Organisational Resilience in the Oil Companies in Nigeria


  • Ethelbert Nduka Ossia Faculty of Management, Department of Business Studies, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.


Progressive Planning, Organisational Resilience, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Personal Endorsement, Benevolence


The study seeks to establish an empirical relationship between the dimensions of progressive planning and the measures of organisational resilience. In other to test the hypotheses, the data obtained from the responses in the questionnaire was analyzed using a non-parametric test-spearman Rank-order correlation coefficient (Rho), which measures the degree of relationship between the variables. A two tailed test was used since the objective of the researcher was to determine the existence of correlation in the study. This method was chosen in relation to the measure of scale chosen, ordinal scale which measures the progressive responses, this was achieved with the aid of SPSS. The following conclusions were made: that the dimension of progressive planning significantly affects measures of organisational resilience, benevolence enhances personal excitement, benevolence enhances personal endorsement, and corporate culture plays a major moderating role in the relationships between the independent variable (progressive planning) and the dependent variable (organisational resilience).

How to cite this article: Ossia EN. Progression Planning and Organisational Resilience in the Oil Companies in Nigeria. J Adv Res HR Organ Mgmt 2019; 6(3&4): 33-39.


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How to Cite

Ossia, E. N. (2020). Progression Planning and Organisational Resilience in the Oil Companies in Nigeria. Journal of Advanced Research in HR and Organizational Management, 6(3&4), 33-39. Retrieved from