Work Place Health and Safety Concern of Workers in Nepal: A Review


  • Birendra Kumar Bohara M. Tech. (Structural Engineering), Department of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology, Sharda University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India.


Workers’ health and safety are some of the basic parts of construction industries and vital issues in the construction project. It affects the productivity, efficiency, quality of industries. Workplace hazard is common for construction sites but systemic study about risk and incident happened in site help to reduce the hazard. Identification of hazards and resolved these hazards minimize the accident even loss of life. In Nepal, several acts and regulations are present like the Labour Act, ILO, as well as WHO are promoting the safety and health in Nepal but it is not sufficient for controlling the loss of life in the construction site. To provide safety and health in the construction site it is important to provide a better policy level and monitoring system. This paper is based on a review of some Nepalese and international researchers and provides the knowledge about safety and health in the construction site in Nepal.

How to cite this article: Bohara BK. Work Place Health and Safety Concern of Workers in Nepal: A Review. J Adv Res Civil Envi Engr 2020; 7(2): 20-27.



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