A study: Salesforce CRM in a Cloud Environment


  • Apoorva Badaya Student
  • Nilaksh Gupta student


Cloud Environment, CRM, force.com platform, OnDemand Computing, PaaS, Salesforce.com, SaaS


Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has shifted in emphasis
during last few years with tech related aspects of CRM applications
especially in cloud based solution. Today it is widely acknowledged that
how we understand and treat the customers. CRM have been in air
ever since people starting exchanging things and then CRM came into
existence in mid 1990s and companies are making bigger and bigger
investment just to understand the customers so they can create a loyalty
among them and also can treat them well. And even the companies
are already pouring many into CRM solutions and services designed
to help business more effectively to manage customer relationship
through direct and indirect channel and this is the reason why CRM
technology exploding.
In short CRM is total process of getting customers, keeping customers,
maximizing customers profitability, behavior and satisfaction.

Author Biography

Apoorva Badaya, Student

Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Global Institute of Technology, ITS 1 & 2, IT Park Rd, EPIP, Sitapura, Jaipur


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