A. Multimedia Modeling, Processing, Service and Applications
B. Computer Graphics and Applications
A. Multimedia Modeling, Processing, Service and Applications: Multimedia Applications, Multimedia Analysis and Internet, Multimedia and Digital Media, Multimedia Communication and Networking, Multimedia Content Understanding, Multimedia Databases and File Systems, Multimedia Embedded Systems, Multimedia Interface and Interaction, Multimedia Indexing and Compression, Multimedia In Telemedicine, Multimedia RDBMS Platforms, Multimedia Security, AI and Soft Computing in Multimedia, Audio, image, video processing, Content-Based Image Retrieval, Current Challenges in Multimedia, Digital Multimedia Broadcasting, Education and Training, Entertainment Industry, E-Commerce and E-Learning,Medical Image and Signal Processing, Novel Multimedia Applications, Operating system mechanisms for multimedia, Virtual reality and 3-D imaging, Virtual Reality and Game Technology, Wireless, Mobile Computing and Multimedia.
B. Computer Graphics and Applications: Computer Graphics and its Applications, Computer Graphics in Industry, Computer Graphics and Simulation, Computer Animation, Computer Vision, Computational Photography, Data Compression for Graphics, Graphics Systems Architecture, Graphic Toolkits, Point-based Graphics, Geometric Computing, Scientific Visualization, Image Based Rendering, Interaction and HCI, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Shape and Surface Modeling, Physically Based Modeling, Stylized Rendering, Rendering Techniques, Web Graphics.
The goal of the project is to create a custom shooting game in Python. Goal is inspired by a variety of platforms and game production tools, including Unity for Windows. It was created to offer a user-friendly interface for performing a number of operations by using specific, clearly defined instructions.You can make simple to extremely complicated games using the Pygame module and your fantastic Python talents. It's incredibly user-friendly and simple to understand for someone starting out in game creation.