Surveillance Drone
Li-Po, H Frame, Quadro-Copters, Aerial VehiclesAbstract
A great mainstream of the Quad-copters were initially constructed by
hobbyists who unwritten the ease of the vehicle. By addition four motors
and four propellers to an insubstantial frame created of light wood,
carbon fiber, or fiber glass then joining it to a remote-control transmitter
through a small control board fitted with a gyroscopic steadiness system
and linked to a LiPo battery these craft were comparatively modest to
Investigation has directed to the development of differences of the Quadcopter by means of dissimilar quantities of arms we have seen Troopers,
Hex copters and Octocopters (with eight arms). Other formations include
a Vital and an H frame variation.
Hoffmann GM, Rajnarayan DG, Waslander SL et al. The
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Agent Control (STARMAC).
Leishman JG. Principles of Helicopter Aerodynamics.
New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Technology
NASA. 2000.
Anderson SB. HistoricalOverview of V/STOL Aircraft
Technical Memorandum 81280. 1997.
Pounds P, Mahony R, Corke P. Modelling andControl
of a Rotor Robot. 2006.
Hoffman G, Huang H, Waslander SL et al. Quad-copter
Helicopter Flight Dynamics and Control: Theory and
Experiment. 2007.