A Review Paper on Walking Wheelchair


  • Achyuth S Student, Department of Computer Science Government Arts College (Men) Nandanam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.


Veterans wheel chair, walking wheel chair


Physical disability is the better common trouble, generally found in veterans and they are choosing wheel chairs for their mobility but many times using of this wheel chair put them in trouble. Now-ever days electric wheel chairs are also available in the market. Electric wheel chairs are not so user friendly, the disable feel difficult to operate and these are expensive compare to normal wheel chairs more over these  wheel  chairs  cannot  move  on  uneven surface.  If we can design a wheel chair which can climb the stairs we can solve most of the problems of disable.

How to cite this article:
Achyuth S, Abhisek Shukla. A Review Paper on Walking Wheel Chair. J Adv Res Intel Sys Robot 2020; 1(1): 1-5.


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