How will Artificial Intelligence (AI) Change Our Lives?


  • Sahil Verma Research Scholar, MCA Thakur Institute of Management Studies, Career Development & Research (TIMSCDR), Mumbai, India.


Artificial Intelligence, Performance Automated System, Lives


The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) heralds a revolution in the way we see and interact with the world around us. This article covers the involvement of AI in every aspect of mortal life and explores the major changes it will bring to business, education, healthcare, and diurnal conditioning. By examining current AI operations and prognosticating unborn developments, this article aims to gain a deeper understanding of the changing geography of the connected world. It examines the openings and challenges presented by AI, considering ethical decision-making, social change, and its capability to impact and engage the transnational community. As AI technology continues to advance at an unknown pace, understanding its multiple counteraccusations is critical for individuals, businesses, and policymakers. This article sparks an ongoing debate about the impact of AI, furnishing a broader perspective on how AI will shape our lives in the coming times.


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