An Analytical Study on Cr (VI) Ion Concentration in the Well Water of Citarum River Neighborhood Residents


  • Parag Singh Guru Nanak Dev University.


Chromium (VI), Heavy Metals, River Pollution, Well Water


An alarming level of contamination of the water in the Citarum river has been caused by activities associated with the textile industry in Bandung. Despite the fact that the water from this river is the primary supply for the town. The presence of metals with a Cr (VI) content in industrial waste may have hazardous consequences on the community in the surrounding area. Because of the metal’s high solubility, there is a concern that it will make its way into the well water of residents living in the area surrounding the river. The objective of this research is to ascertain the content of Cr (VI) that is present in the water of residents living in the area around the Citarum river basin. We collected several water samples from Pangauban Village RW 05 in Katapang, which is obtained in the Bandung Regency. The method that was utilised was a descriptive method that utilised Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) by taking 10 well water samples, specifically 4 well water samples that were located 10-30 metres away from the river body, 3 well water samples that were located 30-60 metres from the river body, 3 well water samples that were located 60-100 metres away from the river body. Based on the findings, it was determined that R1 showed a certain content of Cr(VI). The investigation showed that ten of the well water samples tested positive for the presence of Cr (VI), with four of the wells having levels of Cr (VI) that were higher than the maximum threshold and the other six wells having levels of Cr (VI) that were still below the maximum limit.

How to cite this article:
Singh P. An Analytical Study on Cr (VI) Ion Concentration in the Well Water of Citarum River Neighborhood Residents. Int J Adv Res Wtr Resrs Hydr Engg 2022; 5(1): 1-5.


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