Convective Heat Transfer Performance of Pin Fin Heat Exchanger


  • Namrata Shivaji Gadakh Department of Mechanical Engineering, Matoshri College of Engineering & Research Centre, Nashik, Maharashtra, India.
  • Rahul Eknath Dhobale Department of Mechanical Engineering, Matoshri College of Engineering & Research Centre, Nashik, Maharashtra, India.


Heat Transfer, Heat Exchanger, Pin Fin, Nusselt Number, Euler Number, Ansys CFD


The research work summarized in this Paper presents various aspects of single-phase convective heat transfer enhancement by the use of pin fins is presented. The heat transfer and pressure drop results for the pin fin heat ex-changer were compared with the results for a smooth-pipe heat exchanger. It was found that by a direct comparison of Nu and Eu, no conclusion regarding the relative performances could be made. This is because the dimensionless variables are introduced for the scaling of heat transfer and pressure drop results. St/d ratio is varied from 1.8 to 4.5, where St is Spacing between pins and d is dia. of pin. Heat transfer depends on numbers of Pins and spacing between pins. In this study Heat transfer enhancement is found to be about 5-15%. This work is validated by using commercial simulation software ANSYS 18.1. Flow visualization is done by Ansys CFD Post.

How to cite this article: Gadakh NS, Dhobale RE. Convective Heat Transfer Performance of Pin Fin Heat Exchanger. J Adv Res Aero Space Sci 2019; 6(3&4): 9-13.


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