Performance Analysis of Refrigeration System using LPG and Comparitive Energy Analysis With R134a Refrigerant


  • Nilesh C Ghuge Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MMatoshri College of Engineering & Research Centre, Nashik, Maharashtra, India.
  • Sayli G Gokhale PG student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MMatoshri College of Engineering & Research Centre, Nashik, Maharashtra, India.


Petroleum, Refrigerant, Evaporator, LPG, Capillary


Liquefied Petroleum gas is stored in liquefied state before it is used as fuel for domestic and various industrial purposes. The energy spent for pressurizing is not recovered in any form. Due to absorption of latent heat while phase change if this can be expanded in controlled manner it can produce cooling effect. This property has been used for refrigeration and air conditioning application. So that the liquefied form of petroleum gas fuel is used for cooling and the expanded gas can be further used for combustion. Hence actual setup for checking cooling effect of LPG is build and COP of system is calculated, also it is compared with same capacity system using R134a, to check its liability. Conclusions are drawn based on the cooling effect produce. This system can limit use of refrigerants with high Global Warming Potential (GWP).

How to cite this article: Gokhale SG, Ghuge NC. Performance Analysis of Refrigeration System using LPG and Comparitive Energy Analysis With R134a Refrigerant. J Adv Res Aero Space Sci 2019; 6(3&4): 14-19.


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