Exploring the Energodynamic Theory of Gravitation: Unveiling the Fundamental Forces of the Universe
nature of gravity; Newton’s law; busting and pushing away; gravitational balance and stability; strong gravity, free energy of gravity.Abstract
The article supports the new theory of gravity and levitation, which is based on the fact that there are opposing forces of attraction and repulsion in the universe, depending on the direction of the gradient in the density of the surrounding space. This idea states that gravitational energy consists of both kinetic and potential (gravistatic and gravidynamic) components. Gravity is produced by forces that are proportionate to the density gradients and oscillation velocities of the medium. These pressures can occasionally balance one another out, resulting in levitation and weightlessness. The Newtonian law of gravity, the existence of "strong" gravity and gravitational equilibrium, the potential of harnessing gravitational energy, and the production of all types of celestial bodies as a result of this energy are all effects of the new theory of gravity.