A New Concept in Generation of 3-D Low Drag Aerofoil Shapes
Optimization and Inverse design techniques are used to develop a new concept in generation of high lift/ drag ratio wings while constraining the given lift. Three computer codes have been used for this purpose. Wing is designed for a target pressure distribution which is obtained for incompressible flow. The target pressure distribution is obtained for minimum induced drag generating camber. The inverse design is then attempted to generate a camber at higher compressible Mach number value to support this incompressible pressure distribution. Substantial gain in lift/ drag ratio is obtained. The thickness effects of aerofoil are superimposed and Mach number is increased to see the occurrence of shock. The new aerofoil thus designed is compared with the aerofoil that is otherwise generated for minimum induced drag at compressible Mach number directly without this inverse technique. Transonic flow nature of two wings is compared. There is gain in critical Mach number value for the new design case.
How to cite this article: Gupta SC. A New Concept in Generation of 3-D Low Drag Aerofoil Shapes. J Adv Res Aero SpaceSci 2019; 6(1&2): 1-9.
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