Mechanics of Streamlines in an Open Circuit Fluid Flow and its Impact on the Flow


  • Yuvaraj George Chair 101-Aircraft design, Faculty No.1-School of Aeronautics, Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russian Federation.


General fluid mechanics, Mathematical Model, Streamline, Flow-structure Interactions, Topological Fluid Dynamics


This article endeavors to figure a distinct numerical model. This can clarify and anticipate the arrangement of streamlines in an open-circuit stream over a rigid body. This paper speaks to an endeavor of ordinarily building up a brought together coordinated hypothesis dependent on a few halfway speculations from the surviving literature and experimental database of the fluid dynamics. The essential accentuation of this hypothesis is to see how streamlines are shaped and how the formation and adjustment in the streamline contribute to various phenomena, for example, flow separation, flow transition, down-wash, stalling velocity, effects of the camber and incidence angle on the flow. Though there is a ton of extant literature concerning streamlines, a numerical model which can foresee the directions of fluid particles and their effect on the stream is non-attentive. The proposed numerical model can clarify the development of streamlines with sufficient regard to the various fundamental geometric shapes in a Newtonian fluid.

How to cite this article: George Y. Mechanics of Streamlines in an Open Circuit Fluid Flow and its Impact on the Flow. J Adv Res Aero SpaceSci 2019; 6(3&4): 1-8


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