Numerical Analysis of Fluxgate Magnetometer using MATLAB
Many significant discoveries regarding magnetic fields in space have already been made. Now, the research is going on how to find the parameters by placing the devices in remote locations. These advancements lead to the study on spacecraft instruments like spectrometer, altimeter, magnetometer etc. Of all these, magnetometer is a magnetic sensor which senses the magnetic field and helps us to navigate. Among different types of magnetometers, fluxgate magnetometer measures both DC and low frequency AC magnetic field vectors accurately (Earth’s magnetic field which is of about few hundred µT). As fluxgate magnetometer has advantages like rugged, low size and power, high sensitivity…etc. these are widely used in space applications. For any sensing device sensitivity plays a major role in addition to size, resistivity, noise level, linearity…etc. Here, the sensitivity of fluxgate magnetometer based on core size is explained by plotting voltage across the pick-up coil Vs
external field in which the device is placed for measuring field, with different core dimensions for a range of 10µT to 100µT external field using MATLAB program.
How to cite this article: Haritha K, Devi KG, Sravani L et al. Numerical Analysis of Fluxgate Magnetometer using MATLAB. J Adv Res Aero SpaceSci 2020; 7(1&2): 19-22.
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