Entrepreneurs in the Sustainability Sector: Could They be the Real Wealth Creators of the Future?


  • Abhimanyu Das Entrepreneurship, Sustainability, Indian Economy


Entrepreneurship, Sustainability, Indian Economy


In today’s world, the encouragement of entrepreneurial endeavors is not a novel strategy for alleviating poverty in any of the globe’s many regions. However, with the current rise in awareness of the need to keep the environment healthy for people, planet and bio variety, the need for sustainable sustainability practices and entrepreneurship has been thrust into the spotlight. In order to attain this economic, social and environmental sustainability, entrepreneurs in both developed and developing nations have been urged on the need of becoming green in their business operations. This is to ensure that the sustainability goals can be met. The concepts of entrepreneurship and sustainability, as well as the major drivers of sustainable entrepreneurship and the benefits of green entrepreneurship, are broken down and discussed in this article. This will help to raise awareness about the need for existing entrepreneurs as well as new entrepreneurs to implement green business practices in their operations, which will ultimately help to protect people and the environment from environmental problems such as pollution and degradation while simultaneously increasing profitability.


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How to Cite

Das, A. . (2022). Entrepreneurs in the Sustainability Sector: Could They be the Real Wealth Creators of the Future?. Journal of Advanced Research in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SME Management, 5(1), 15-19. Retrieved from https://adrjournalshouse.com/index.php/Journal-Entrepreneurship-SMEMgt/article/view/1538