Journal of Advanced Research in HR and Organizational Management 2024-04-29T04:49:59+00:00 admin Open Journal Systems <p><em><strong>Journal of Advanced Research in HR and Organizational Management</strong> has been indexed in <strong>Index Copernicus international</strong>.</em></p> <p><a href=""><em><strong>Index Copernicus Value 2018 - 67.89</strong></em></a></p> Consumer Attitudes and Preferences regarding the streaming services Towards Disney+ and Netflix in Ahmadabad City 2024-04-29T04:31:38+00:00 Krupa Shah Bhavya Detroja Jignesh Vidani <p>This study aims to explore the consumer attitudes and preferences towards streaming services, specifically Disney+ and Netflix, in Ahmedabad city. The research employs a mixed-methods approach, combining surveys and interviews to gather comprehensive data. The survey, distributed among a diverse sample of Ahmedabad residents, investigates factors influencing the choice between Disney+ and Netflix. Key aspects considered include content variety, pricing, user interface, and overall satisfaction. Additionally, interviews with a subset of participants delve deeper into specific preferences and experiences. Preliminary findings suggest that content diversity is a significant factor in consumer decision-making, with participants expressing interest in both exclusive and diverse content libraries. Pricing and subscription plan also play a crucial role, influencing the perceived value of each streaming service. The research provides valuable insights into the dynamics of the streaming market in Ahmedabad, shedding light on factors shaping consumer choices between Disney+ and Netflix. The findings can be instrumental for streaming platforms, marketers, and policymakers aiming to understand and cater to the preferences of consumers in this specific urban context.</p> 2024-04-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Advanced Research in HR and Organizational Management Passenger Satisfaction in Ahmedabad Metro 2024-04-29T04:34:17+00:00 Suraj Rathor Vivek Valad <p>A comprehensive study focused on understanding and enhancing passenger satisfaction within the Ahmedabad Metro, a crucial component of urban transportation. The increasing urbanization of cities emphasizes the urgency of improving public transit satisfaction to cater to expanding populations. By amalgamating local and global research and user feedback, this study delves into the unique dynamics and challenges of the burgeoning Ahmedabad Metro system. The research aims to enrich urban mobility understanding by scrutinizing passenger satisfaction and formulating strategic recommendations informed by global best practices and local contexts. Acknowledging that passenger contentment is pivotal for the triumph of public transportation systems, this study endeavors to bridge the knowledge gap in understanding the factors influencing satisfaction within the Ahmedabad Metro. Recognizing the direct impact of metro service quality on millions of lives, the study considers assessing passenger experiences and preferences an ethical obligation to deliver optimal service. It asserts the significance of these findings for authorities and policymakers in augmenting the passenger experience, operational efficiency, and sustainable growth of the Ahmedabad Metro. Highlighting the dearth of comprehensive studies on passenger satisfaction in developing countries like India, the abstract notes previous research findings on the Ahmedabad Metro's generally positive reception while pinpointing areas for potential improvement, such as coverage, overcrowding, frequency of trains, and passenger amenities.</p> 2024-04-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Advanced Research in HR and Organizational Management Study of the Influence of Social Media on Buying Behaviour 2024-04-29T04:38:39+00:00 Shivansh Ojha Krupa Joshi <p>Social media has revolutionized the way people interact and communicate, shaping modern society's digital landscape. This abstract provides an overview of social media, its definition, features, usage statistics, and impacts on various aspects of society. Social media encompasses diverse platforms facilitating the creation and sharing of information, ideas, and interests through virtual communities. It is characterized by user-generated content, interactive Web 2.0 applications, and service-specific profiles. Popular platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok boast billions of users globally. Social media's impact is far-reaching, influencing communication, marketing, politics, and societal norms. Positive effects include improved connectivity, effective communication, and mobilization for social causes. However, it also raises concerns about the digital divide, political polarization, and stereotyping. Social media marketing has emerged as a powerful tool for businesses, enabling targeted advertising and interaction with customers. It encompasses paid, earned, and owned media, leveraging influencers and user-generated content to promote brands. While social media offers benefits, it is not without criticisms. Issues like misinformation, cyberbullying, and commercialization have sparked debates about its societal implications. Efforts to address these concerns include enhancing media literacy and promoting responsible online behavior. As social media continues to evolve, understanding its complexities and impacts is crucial for navigating the digital age effectively.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-04-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Advanced Research in HR and Organizational Management Work-Life Balance 2024-04-29T04:41:00+00:00 Shubham Chauhan Shubham Sharma Jignesh Vidani <p>Work-life balance is crucial for individuals to manage their professional responsibilities alongside personal commitments. This paper explores the concept of work-life balance, tracing its historical development and presenting various theories explaining its dynamics. The discussion encompasses theories such as Border Theory, Boundary Theory, Segmentation Theory, Spill-Over Theory, Compensation Theory, and Instrumental Theory, shedding light on how individuals navigate their roles in work and family domains. Additionally, factors influencing work-life balance, particularly on women employees, are examined, including Quality of Work Life (QWL), Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EIQ), job satisfaction, family issues, demographic factors, workload, and stress. Moreover, the paper addresses the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on working women's ability to manage work-life balance, emphasizing the disproportionate burden women face, especially women of color, and suggesting actions for employers to support women's well-being and advancement in the workplace. Overall, the paper underscores the importance of recognizing and addressing the challenges in achieving work-life balance to foster individual well-being and organizational productivity.</p> 2024-04-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Advanced Research in HR and Organizational Management Evaluating the Influence of Social Media Advertising on E-commerce Sales 2024-04-29T04:43:15+00:00 MUSANI ILSHA Chirag Malviya <p>Social media has become a value-adding marketing channel. With the significance of social media for online small businesses and the lack of understanding of this area, this study attempts to investigate the impact of social media marketing on the sales performance of such business. This research analysis the marketing through social media and its impact in E-Commerce sales. The digital revolution has ushered in an era where e-commerce plays a pivotal role in shaping business landscapes. Social media platforms have emerged as indispensable tools for e-commerce promotion, with social media advertising witnessing remarkable growth. This research investigates the empirical and theoretical underpinnings of the impact of social media advertising on e-commerce sales. By reviewing literature, analyzing data, and presenting case studies, this study aims to offer insights for companies and marketers aiming to enhance e-commerce effectiveness and optimize social media advertising strategies. The research delves into various aspects including the growth of e-commerce and social media advertising, mechanisms of attraction, the role of social proof and trust, consumer decision-making behavior, ad types and content, challenges with measurement and attribution, types of social media advertising, platforms, and target audience, metrics for measuring, e-commerce sales performance, factors influencing e-commerce sales, the correlation between advertising and sales, factors moderating the relationship, challenges, best practices, future trends, and conclusions. It also discusses implications for e-commerce businesses, research limitations, and future directions, highlighting the need for longitudinal studies, cross-cultural analysis, and experimentation to understand the complex dynamics of social commerce's impact on e-commerce sales comprehensively.</p> 2024-04-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Advanced Research in HR and Organizational Management