An Empirical Analysis of Virtual World Fidelity’s Impact on Simulator Network Performance


  • Mr Jonathan Stevens Ph.D., Modeling and Simulation, University of Central Florida


Vertical Scalability, Fidelity, Virtual Worlds, Simulation-Based Training, Performance Analysis


This paper examined the relationship between the environment fidelity of a virtual world simulation and the simulator’s network performance. The examination supports the Army Research Laboratory’s Military OpenSimulator Enterprise Strategy (MOSES) project’s overarching research objective of optimizing virtual world training to support larger military echelons in a distributed, synchronous, non-deterministic simulation. In this work, we created three virtual environment (region) fidelity levels (low, medium, and high), which served as the experiment’s independent variable. Four network performance measures served as dependent variables and provided a solid foundation for our analysis of region fidelity’s effect on network performance. Our results indicated that region fidelity level had a negligible impact on network performance. Results of this study are significant as they provide us with empirical data to remove virtual world simulation’s region fidelity level as a factor for improving the virtual word simulator’s scalability and to also remove region fidelity level as an independent variable for future predictive modeling.


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