Mobile Applications for Training Plan Using Android Devices
Workout, Personal Trainer, Physical Activity, FitnessAbstract
Fitness and exercise square measure most popular within the pursuit
of healthier andactive lifestyles. The amount of mobile applications
going to replace or complementa private trainer is increasing. However,
thisconjointly raises questions about the reliableness, integrity, and even
safety of the data provided by such applications. During this study, we
have a tendency to review mobile applications that function as virtual
personal trainers. We have a tendency to give a scientific review of thirty
sixconnected mobile applications, updated between 2017 and 2020,
classifying them in keeping with their characteristics. The choice criteria
considers the subsequent combination of keywords: “workout”,“personal
trainer”, “physical activity”, “fitness”, “gymnasium”, and “daily plan”.
supported the analysis of the known mobilea pplications, We propose
a brand new taxonomy and give elaborate tips on making mobile
applications for personalised workouts. Finally, we havea tendency to
investigate whether mobile applications promote health and well-being
of users and whether or not the known applications square measure
utilized in any scientific studies
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