Python-Based Tic Tak Game
Additionally, playing games, horizontal, vertical, or diagonalAbstract
Two players compete in the game of Tic-Tac-Toe, which is played on
a 3 by 3 grid. Each participant is given a unique symbol (X or O) to
represent the slot they are responsible for filling. The player who first
covers a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row of the board with solely
their symbols wins the game. The winning Tic-Tac-Toe approach that
was suggested in this study is theoretically supported by the notions of
theoretical computer science by means of a multi-tape Turing machine.
This algorithm is made to act like a player while the computer maximises
the odds of success by acting in accordance with the model’s intelligence.
The human player is free to decide for themselves. Any player may
choose to start the game first. The computation rules ensure that the
computer is placed in the best possible position to either win or stop
the opponent from making a winning move. The paper has undergone
extensive work
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