Research Paper on Library Management System
Library, Books, Database, Programming Languages, Library Management System, Server, Client, Data Flow Diagram, ModulesAbstract
With technology advancing, it is essential to elevate all systems into
a user-friendly state. A technique for converting physical libraries into
digital libraries is the Library Management System (LMS). In conventional
libraries, patrons/students must search for books, which is a tedious
procedure, and there is improper database upkeep about issues/fines.
The job is moving slowly overall, making it impossible to produce a
report quickly.The librarians’ assigned tasks include organising and
categorising books in the book stores. They must simultaneously check
and keep an eye on the tiny print of the lend/borrow book. Working in
multiple industries simultaneously is a laborious procedure. The LMS
will make it easier for librarians to work. The LMS enables the librarians
to address every issue at once. When returning or borrowing a book
from the library, consumers don’t have to wait in a big queue. All the
data is contained on a single PC. The system must be evaluated by the
librarians, who must also add an entry. The librarian can locate the book
on the bookshelves using LMS. Basic capabilities of the LMS include
the ability for a librarian to add, view, update, and delete books as well
as student information. He or she can change any database data once
they have gained access to the system. The entire model was created
using Dot Net technology; the front-end application was created using
the C# language, and the database was created using the SQL server.
Only the designated person is permitted access to the LMS system.
Blunden-Ellis John and Graham Margaret E., ‘A UK market survey of library automation vendors (1992- 1993)’, Program 28(2), 1994,109-124.
Blunden-Ellis John, ‘A UK market survey of library automation vendors (1990-1991)’, Program 26(3), 1992, 291-305.
Bryant Philip, ‘Making the most of our libraries’, British Library Research and Innovation Report 53 1997, 1-113
Brack Verity, ‘Service developments at the RIDING Z39.50 gateway’, New Review of Information and Library Research 5, 1999, 135-144.
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