A Review on Wind and Solar type DG Placement in Power Distribution Networks to Enhance the Systems Stability
Distributed generation, Distribution system adequacy assessment, Reliability, Solar energy, Wind energyAbstract
In the previous paper they propose a distributed generator (DG) placement methodology based on newly defined term reactive power load ability. The effectiveness of the proposed planning is carried out over a distribution test system representative of the Kumamoto area in Japan. The proposed approach can reduce the power loss of the system, which in turn, reduces the size of compensating devices. In this paper, we proposed conventional and renewable distributed generation (DG) on the reliability of future distribution systems, even when the connection may not be simply radial. The variability of the power output of renewable DGs, such as wind and solar is included. The stochastic nature of the renewable resources and their influence on the reliability of the system are modeled and studied by computing the adequacy transition rate. An integrated Markov model that incorporates the DG adequacy transition rate, DG mechanical failure, and starting and switching probability is proposed and utilized to give accurate results for the DG reliability assessment. The main focus is conventional generation, solar, and wind DG units. The technique used appears to be applicable to any renewable energy source.
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