Justification of Mass Customization Practices in Textile Industry-An Empirical Investigation
Mass Customization, Questionnaire and Competitive StrategyAbstract
The aim of this investigation is to look at issues with mass customization in clothing merchandising. A questionnaire survey is used to look at people's expectations for mass personalizing goods, procedures, and places, all of which can have an impact on how successful a mass personalization programme is. The aim of this study was to look at the effect of mass personalization on competitive strategy in order to find a way to bridge the gap between the two strategies. The questionnaire provides a convenience sample of more than 100 respondents from the garment and clothing industries. The data was analyzed using analytical modeling, descriptive statistics, factor analysis, and regression utilizing SPSS software. Results indicated that identifying the correct product, process, and position measurements is critical for effective mass customization of clothing in the retail sector. Our findings address merchandising issues about customer participation in the design and fitting of clothing products in retail stores.
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