Techno-Economical Simulation of Renewable Energy in Indian Context
Renewable energy sources, Techno-economic analysis, Hybrid power supply system, Photovoltaic (PV), Parabolic Troughs (PT).Abstract
The economy of developing countries is heavily depending upon the use of energy. The demand of energy is not constant in entire day; it is peaky during the evening. In this situation the efficiency of power system is towards low. The efficiency can be improved by integrating of hybrid power system. The renewable energy sources (RES) takes important roles to designing of hybrid power system. In this paper, renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics, parabolic troughs and wind energy are considered as a micro-grid & then discuss the techno economic feasibility analysis and challenges of micro-grid in Indian energy scenario. The simulation results show that this type of designing is actually gives the efficient results & returns in few years. This application may be used in universities, industries or any other large community buildings.
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