Study and Implementation of Classifiers for the Risk of Diabetes Prediction


  • Morwal Sayali Deepak PG Student


Decision Tree, Artificial Neural Network, Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes, Random Forest


The framework enables the client to make an utilization of calculations
to anticipate the danger of diabetes mellitus in the human body. The
different grouping models, for example, Decision Tree, Artificial Neural
Networks, Logistic Regression, Association rules, and Naive Bayes are
utilized in this framework. At that point the Random Forest system is
utilized to discover the exactness of each model in the task. The dataset
utilized is the Pima Indians Diabetes Data Set, which has the data of
patients, some of them have creating diabetes, along these lines, this
venture is planned to make a portable application for anticipating an
individual’s class whether present in of the diabetes hazard or not.

Author Biography

Morwal Sayali Deepak, PG Student

 Department of Computer Engineering, Matoshree College of Engineering and Research
Center, Eklahare, Nashik, India


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