A Review on Crime Detection and Crime Identification
Data mining, Machine learning, web app portal, HTML, CSS, APIAbstract
Crime Detection and Crime Identification” was built with an objective
to serve the society by creating awareness about ongoing crimes by
creating an investigation and visualizations about crime from past 8
years i.e. 2010 to 2018. Also we will help the users by finding them
the safest path. We could also show the police stations and hospitals
that way. An approach for the design and implementation of crime
detection for Jaipur using data mining techniques and machine learning
and determining the safest route. This paper is built with a user friendly
interface so as to make it easy for users at any time, here we use various
technologies like HTML, CSS, bootstrap, python, machine learning etc.
The users are also provided with other services in order to help them
by correctly planning his optimal path between source and destination.
This web-app portal provides a platform for user where they can input
the source and destination then obtain the safest path. The system is
built using machine learning algorithm which makes the system highly
reliable. The routes gets identified through API Key and the user is
suggested with suitable safest path. The scope of this project is given
to citizen of Jaipur, listed hospitals in Jaipur, Jaipur police stations and
crime agencies. The police station and crime agencies will have access to
crime analytics and police station tracker. The hospital will have access
to hospital tracker. Various database are maintained in order to handle
all the details that are required for the correct and proper statement
evaluation and their generation. Only authorized user can retrieve and
access the necessary information in order to access the information,
we need the administrator name and password.
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Shamaila Qayyum, Hafsa Shareef Dar.
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Prabhakran, Shilpa Mitra :Survey of analysis of Crime
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