Evaluation on Enactment Development of Split Air-Conditioning System By Loop Heat Pipe
Loop Heat Pipe, Split Air Conditioning, Coefficient of Performance and Apparatus Dew Point (ADP), DehumidificationAbstract
The effort was conducted to observe the effects of incorporation of Loop
Heat Pipes on energy consumption and dehumidification in a split Air
Conditioning system. In this examination, three Loop Heat Pipe units
were fabricated and filled with methanol as operational middle and
collective with the cooling coil of a split air conditioning system. Under
the normal design indoor temperature range of 22–260C and 50% RH,
when three number of Loop Heat Pipes units are incorporated in the
air conditioning unit, varying air flow rate endless, the improvement
in Coefficient of Performance (COP). Also found that the Apparatus
Dew Point (ADP) dips, the supply air Dry Bulb Temperature (DBT) also
increased and the dehumidification capability of the air conditioning
system improved. The examination infers that the Loop Heat Pipe units
engaged in the split air conditioning system not only considerably
diminutions the energy prerequisite and can improve the moisture
elimination capability of the air conditioning system
A Loop Heat Pipe (LHP) of Copper Material is verified on air-conditioning
system. The investigational setup is fixed in one fastened room whose
Energy Consumption is designed by operating 2 Hr. Afterward that the
one Loop Heat Pipe is involved to the indoor unit and the similar Energy
Consumption is Intended. The Above Process the Carried out for One,
Two and Three loops (LHP). The working Fluid For the directly above
research is pentane. From the Above Experiment We will get the COP
of Refrigeration System will be rise and the Dry Bulb Temperature of
the Supply air also get intensifications so complete the Load in indoor
unit get diminishes.
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