Medical Waste Vulnerabilities: A Solar Based Approach
Biomedical Waste, Renewable Energy, Solar AutoclaveAbstract
Biomedical waste has currently emerged as a waste is unsegregated
and disposed illegally with municipal matter of contention of much
public concern, by virtue of its waste. Scavengers and rag-pickers pick
up used syringes, expanding and detrimental effects on public health.
Breakneck soiled cotton, IV bottles, needles, tubes, urine bags etc. and
development in biomedical technology, the proliferations of vend them
for further recycling. In the process they may disposal supplies resulted
to tremendous expansion in the volume contract infections or sharp
injuries. Also, contaminated and of biomedical waste produced. The
treatment and removal of improperly sterilized disposables may come for
resale in the biomedical waste has become an issue of growing concern
due to its potential environmental hazards. Prevailing techniques are
market.3 Municipal workers are also getting needle prick electrically
powered; unfortunately many emerging nations do injuries while
collecting waste from bins near health not have technology to operate
such. Utilizing renewable energy, facilities and are at high risk of infection.
Besides high a solar thermal autoclave aids remote health care’s an
infectivity of biomedical waste, its toxicity and radioactivity inexpensive
and reliable way to sterilize equipment has increased public concern
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hours, an automated heater based on solar panel is
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fromaperture is tilted directly towards the equator at
an angle equal health-care activities, World Health
Organization 2014.To local latitude. As the acceptance
angle of reflector along its.
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India, 2004, long axis is wide, a periodic adjustment is
required.Placing Chapter 1-6, p 1-61ires mere.
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international Conference adjustment in tilt angle to
collect the sunlight efficiently.
The of Environment and Health Chennai India Report,
; 54-55 minimum acceptance angle in this case
equal to maximum.
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