Transformation of Irrigation System with Computerized Water Pump
Irrigation, Water Pump, Automated Irrigation, Nano Ganesh, Pump Irrigation, AgribusinessAbstract
Irrigation fulfils the water necessity of crops. Irrigation offers moisture
required for growth and improvement, germination, and other related
functions. Water pumps play a fundamental character in agriculture
and remote automation has made the irrigation process easier. In
old-style method, the irrigation is done manually. Here the farmer
pulls out the water from wells and canals by himself. Modern method
involves sprinkle and drip irrigation. But the farmer still must manually
monitor the motor system. The purpose of this research paper is to
help overcome the agricultural crises by converting modern irrigation
method by using technology. Opportunities are created in the rural
sector via Nano Ganesh. This aids in times saving by farmer who can
manage irrigation system with single hand-held device
irrigation- importance-sources-development-andlimitations/2108 management/irrigation/
affordable- wash-services-and-products/affordabletechnologies-and/drip- irrigation
spring_irrigat ion.pdf
Case Study Nano Ganesh – a revolutionary ICT tool
for farm irrigation.Simplified Irrigation Design by petmelby Irrigation Water Management:: Principles and
Practice by by Majumdar D.K (Author)
International Journal for Research in Applied Science &
Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ©IJRASET: All Rights
are Reserved 1549 Irrigation System and Its Methods
Drip Irrigation in India: Prospects, Potential and
Challenges Khusro Moin, Azka Kamil.
Copyright (c) 2020 Journal of Advanced Research in Modeling and Simulation

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