CFD Analysis based on the Performance Assessment Considering Different Shapes of Concentric Orifice Plate Subjected to Laminar Flow Condition
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Orifice Meter, Reynolds Number, Discharge Coefficient, Beta ValueAbstract
The orifice meter is one of the first and most extensively used orthodox differential pressure flow meter, and it is preferred in industries due to ease in fabrication, installation and maintenance. All-embracing and systematic experiments have been carried out over the years to evaluate the performance of the orifice meter. theory, calibration and installation requirement of the orifice meter are also well documented. The emphasis of the study has been directed towards the comportment of different shapes of concentric orifice plate for laminar flow. The Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) program/coding STAR CCM + has been employed to accomplish the research. In particular, the CFD predictions of discharge coefficients have been validated through comparison through results available in the literature. The outcomes of the simulations in terms of profiles of velocity, pressure, etc. Results or inferences have been presented in terms of predicted discharge coefficients. Reynolds numbers, beta ratio and shape of the Orifice plate deserve excessive observation when it comes to analyzing the capabilities of different shape of Concentric Orifice plate.
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