A Brief Review On Cryptocurrency In A Nutshell


  • Harshit Vijayvergiya Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Global Institute of Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.


cryptocurrency, virtual currency, bitcoin, blockchain.


Cryptocurrency is particular kind of the virtual currency which relies on the principles of cryptography and transmission. Dozens of Cryptocurrencies were emerged within the past few years, while the foremost popular is that the first ever introduced i.e. Bitcoin. Cryptocurrencies attracted plenty of attention in recent years. during this paper, basics of cryptocurrencies are briefly introduced. There are some technologies which is that the backend process of Cryptocurrencies and their transactions. Blockchain is one in all the trending technology which is employed in cryptocurrency. These are legally considered property; cryptocurrencies generally don't seem to be considered monetary system like government or financial institution issued paper currency denominated banknotes and coins. because it is thought that there are several rules and regulations regarding cryptocurrencies. These don't seem to be legal in several countries. there's a quick discussion regarding rules and regulations in India, during this paper.

How to cite this article:
Vijayvergiya H, Goyal A, Joshi A. A Brief Review on Cryptocurrency in a Nutshell. J Adv Res Cloud Comp Virtu Web Appl 2020; 3(2): 1-5.

