Fog Computing, Cloud Computing, IoT, Latency Sensitive, Smart Grid, Connected Vehicles, WSANsAbstract
The idea of Fog computing or Edge Computing is to extend the cloud
nearer to the Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Through the internet of
things (IoT), we can generate a numerous volume and variety of data.
With the increase in the number of internet connected devices, the
increased demand of real-time, low latency services, data security are
the biggest challenges for the cloud computing framework. In order
to overcome above challenges, Fog Computing came into picture. The
computing reduces the predictable latency in the latency-sensitive of
IoT applications such as healthcare services which is primary objective
of this computing. The paper argues that the Fog Computing is the best
platform solutions towards this goal for a number of critical IoT services
and applications, namely, Connected Vehicle, Smart Grid, Smart Cities,
and in general, Wireless Sensors and Actuator Networks (WSANs).
How to cite this article:
Kumar S, Mishra S, Arora P. Significance of Fog
Computing in IoT. J Adv Res Cloud Comp Virtu
Web Appl 2020; 3(2): 25-29.
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