
  • Neha Sharma Assistant Professor, PCTE Group of Institutes, Baddowal


AI is contributing today in education, making learning more engaging and enjoyable. Adaptive learning platforms use various elements to motivate students, providing them rewards, various challenges after adopting AI, and interactive experiences after using AI based technologies. AI helps in positive learning mindset but also very have some negative impacts after its adoption.

Personalized learning through AI can be beneficial for learners according to their needs and mental abilities. Whether a student requires additional support or facing advanced challenges, AI can adapt to these individual requirements, and this learning environment enhance their strength and motivate them to do much better.

AI is powering the development of adaptive learning platforms that helps in analysing student performance data to create personalized learning paths. These platforms use machine learning algorithms to understand how each student learns, adapting the difficulty level and content delivery in real-time. This ensures that students receive the right level of challenge and support.

But on the other hand, after adopting the application of artificial intelligence technology, the interaction between teachers and students may be reduced, affecting the teacher's ability to understand students' learning needs and provide effective personalized guidance. Secondly, it may pose challenges in building teacher-student relationships. AI technology might have a negative impact on student’s language proficiency. we can say AI can’t replace real language learning and efforts.

Teachers should guide students to think critically about AI technology, helping them understand the advantages and limitations.


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