E-COP: An E-Governance Based Computerized Information System to Increases the Professional Efficiency for the Government Police Administration


  • Rahul Pant
  • Ram Modwel
  • Saurabh Agrawal


E- COP, E- Governance, Computerized Information System, Government Police Administration, RTI


E-COP system is an E-government related service and it makes the communication process a possibility, a great success for modern era which increases the professional efficiency for the government police administration. E-COP is intended to provide total computerized information system support for the work of the police. This system registers the complaints from people through online and is helpful to the police department for further process. The aim of this project is to develop an E-police reporting and management system which is easily accessible to the public, police department and the administrative department. E-COP would also help provide division heads and senior officers with management information about crime control, and about administration and support services such as accounting and personnel management. This helps to higher authorities of police to have an overview about the progress of the investigation; feature is made available to public for interaction with police indirectly.


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