Next Generation “5G Wireless Technology”


  • Tushar Gupta Assistant Professor, IIMT College of Management, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India.
  • Amit Kumar Jha Assistant Professor, IIMT College of Management, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India.


5G, Mix Bandwidth Data Path


5th wireless mobile multimedia networks can be completed wireless communication without limitation, which bring us perfect real world wireless – World Wide Wireless Web (WWWW). 5G is based on 4G technologies, which is to be revolt to 5G. During this processing, two kind of problem need to be solved. The first problem is “wider coverage” and the second problem is “freedom of movement” from one technology to another technology. The main contribution in definition of Fifth Generation mobile network concept, which is seen as user based concept instead of operator based as in 3G or service based concept as seen for 4G. In this proposed concept the mobile user are on the top of all. The 5G terminals will have software defined radios and intonation scheme as well as new error-control schemes can be downloaded from the Internet on the run. The development is seen toward the user terminals as a focus of the 5G mobile networks. The node will have access the different wireless technologies at the same time and the terminal should be able to combine different flows from different technologies. The intelligent Internet phone concept where the mobile phone can adopt the best connections by selected constraints and energetically change them during a single end-to-end connection.


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