Security Review for Cloud Vulnerability: Insecure API Implementation


  • Mr. Kapil Sharma "Department of Computer Science and Engineering Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management & Gramothan, Jaipur"


AWS, IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, Linux,Client-Server Architecture


The core encounter of any network computing technique is susceptibility. With the cloud computing environment the services are the key
utilization from the concept of virtualization. Cloud networks are typically having threats like account hijacking/session riding, data breach,
malicious insiders, and insecure API and system vulnerabilities. These
practices may be reduced by using secure architectures and stable
services. Creating security groups, multi-factor authentication for privilege management, and data protection by shaping and classifying the
type, infrastructure control and detective control. But a large problem
with API keys is the inclusion of third-party applications or services for
health checkups, automating the system for scalability copying snapshots of database where these API keys may be exposed without our
knowledge by adding another attacking space. So, vulnerability must
always be described in terms of resistance to a certain type of attack.


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