Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Technology & Software Applications 2024-05-28T10:14:59+00:00 Advanced Research Publications Open Journal Systems Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Technology & Software Applications Games and Big Data: A Scalable Multi-Dimensional Churn Prediction Model 2024-05-28T10:07:03+00:00 Abhineet Singh <p>The introduction of mobile games has resulted in a paradigm shift in the video game business. Game developers now have a wealth of information on their players at their disposal, allowing them to use trustworthy models that can reliably predict player behavior and scale to massive datasets. Churn prediction, a difficulty shared by many industries, is especially important in the mobile gaming business, where user retention is critical for effective game monetization. We offer a method for predicting game churn based on survival ensembles in this article. Our algorithm accurately predicts both the level at which each player will abandon the game and their total playtime up to that point. It is also resistant to varied data distributions and adaptable to a wide range of response variables, while allowing for effective parallelization of the algorithm. As a result, our methodology is well adapted to doing real-time churner assessments, even for games with millions of daily active users.</p> 2024-05-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Technology & Software Applications Personalized Nutrition Guidance for Women 2024-05-28T10:10:06+00:00 Anjali Ahuja Anshika <p>The scarcity of applications pertaining to women's nutritional health highlights the dearth of digital tools created with women's unique health needs in mind. Applications for health and wellness are growing in popularity, but not many of them address the nutritional needs, general well-being, or reproductive health of women. This disparity is particularly notable in light of the range of physiological changes that women experience during their lives, including menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. It is unclear how common smartphone apps are for encouraging lifestyle changes in this demographic, despite the growing interest in mobile health interventions. Rapid technological advancements have made it easier to employ cell phones for study and practice in health promotion. Large smartphone platforms offer a wide variety of nutrition and food-related programs (apps), but very few of these have been tested in research to determine how effectively they improve health. In order to enable women to take control of their health and promote a holistic approach to wellbeing, the abstract highlights how women's nutritional health apps require more attention and development.</p> 2024-05-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Technology & Software Applications Digital Marketing Trends and Use of AI Tools 2024-05-28T10:12:33+00:00 Shambhavi Mishra Ashish Prajapati Janvi Tiwari <p>The dynamic relationship between artificial intelligence (AI) and digital marketing has sparked a surge in research, uncovering multifaceted dimensions that redefine modern marketing paradigms. At its core, AI's transformative potential is revealed through the creation of personalized experiences tailored to individual consumer preferences. This unmatched level of customization not only enhances consumer engagement but also fosters long-lasting brand loyalty and affinity. Ethical considerations are a prominent factor in this transformative wave. Discussions surrounding AI-driven data analysis, the collection of extensive consumer datasets, and the ethical use of this information have driven scholarly conversations. Thorough exploration of ethical frameworks and guidelines seeks to ensure the responsible implementation of AI in marketing, striking a balance between innovation and ethical obligations. AI's impact extends beyond personalized interaction, permeating crucial areas within marketing. From the incorporation of AI-driven chatbots revolutionizing customer service interactions to algorithms refining advertisement targeting strategies for increased precision and conversions, the integration of AI and digital marketing creates a landscape characterized by efficiency and effectiveness in understanding and engaging consumers. Looking ahead, the convergence of AI with emerging technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) holds the promise of an evolution in marketing experiences. As the exploration of this dynamic convergence advances, spanning industries and regions, the discussion evolves. The knowledge gained from this fusion sparks creativity, propelling the advancement of marketing strategies worldwide. This summary captures the dynamic interaction between artificial intelligence and digital marketing, illustrating its vast scope and diverse influence on the contemporary marketing terrain.</p> 2024-05-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Technology & Software Applications Protecting the Internet of Things (IoT) with Quantum Cybersecurity: An Innovative Strategy for the Future 2024-04-16T04:30:59+00:00 Dr. Rajeev Dahiya Dr. Raman Chadha <p>With the rapid expansion of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, ensuring robust cybersecurity measures is crucial to protect sensitive data and maintain the integrity of connected systems. Conventional cryptographic techniques are increasingly vulnerable to sophisticated cyber threats, leading to the exploration of quantum technologies for improved security. This paper investigates the potential of quantum cryptography and quantum-resistant algorithms in strengthening IoT networks against evolving cyber threats. By leveraging principles from quantum mechanics, such as entanglement and superposition, quantum-based solutions offer unmatched levels of security by thwarting common attack methods like brute-force decryption and eavesdropping. Furthermore, we address the challenges and opportunities associated with integrating quantum solutions into existing IoT infrastructures, emphasizing the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and standardization efforts. Through a comprehensive examination of quantum-enhanced cybersecurity in IoT environments, this paper contributes to the ongoing discussion on securing interconnected systems in the age of digital transformation.</p> 2024-04-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Technology & Software Applications USES OF TECHNOLOGY TO OPTIMIZE MEMBERSHIP MANAGEMENT 2024-05-28T10:14:59+00:00 Sharva Save Neha Singh <p>This article explains the importance of gym membership management. These studies are designed to create software solutions that will facilitate and improve the work of fitness centres, gyms and health clubs. The system uses modern technology to streamline and optimize all aspects of membership management, customer interaction and resources. This article provides a survey of traditional and software methods used in today's world. The article concludes with a summary of his contributions and the real challenges facing the world of gym owners. The article also states that the plan is more effective than the results-based process</p> 2024-05-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Technology & Software Applications