Journal of Engineering Design and Analysis International Journal of Engineering Design & Analysis en-US <p>We, the undersigned, give an undertaking to the following effect with regard to our article entitled<br>“_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________<br>________________________________________________________________________________” submitted for publication in (Journal title)________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________Vol.________, Year _________:-</p> <p>1. The article mentioned above has not been published or submitted to or accepted for publication in any form, in any other journal.</p> <p>2. We also vouchsafe that the authorship of this article will not be contested by anyone whose name(s) is/are not listed by us here.</p> <p>3. I/We declare that I/We contributed significantly towards the research study i.e., (a) conception, design and/or analysis and interpretation of data and to (b) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content and on (c) final approval of the version to be published.</p> <p>4. I/We hereby acknowledge ADRs conflict of interest policy requirement to scrupulously avoid direct and indirect conflicts of interest and, accordingly, hereby agree to promptly inform the editor or editor's designee of any business, commercial, or other proprietary support, relationships, or interests that I/We may have which relate directly or indirectly to the subject of the work.</p> <p>5. I/We also agree to the authorship of the article in the following sequence:-</p> <p>Authors' Names (in sequence) Signature of Authors<br>1. _____________________________________ _____________________________________<br>2. _____________________________________ _____________________________________<br>3. _____________________________________ _____________________________________<br>4. _____________________________________ _____________________________________<br>5. _____________________________________ _____________________________________<br>6. _____________________________________ _____________________________________<br>7. _____________________________________ _____________________________________<br>8. _____________________________________ _____________________________________</p> <p>Important</p> <p>(I). All the authors are required to sign independently in this form in the sequence given above. In case an author has left the institution/ country and whose whereabouts are not known, the senior author may sign on his/ her behalf taking the responsibility.</p> <p>(ii). No addition/ deletion/ or any change in the sequence of the authorship will be permissible at a later stage, without valid reasons and permission of the Editor.</p> <p>(iii). If the authorship is contested at any stage, the article will be either returned or will not be<br>processed for publication till the issue is solved.</p> (Advanced Research Publications) Tue, 12 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Animation Techniques and Trends in Digital Media <p>Animation, an indispensable element in the tapestry of visual storytelling, has undergone a remarkable metamorphosis within the digital landscape. This review navigates the diverse spectrum of animation techniques and prevailing trends, unveiling the evolution from traditional hand-drawn animation to the cutting-edge innovations defining the contemporary digital era.</p> <p>Historical Evolution: The historical trajectory of animation techniques reveals a narrative of innovation and adaptation. From the rudimentary experiments with sequential images to the intricate blend of traditional craftsmanship and digital prowess, animation's evolution mirrors technological advancements, shaping its profound impact on digital storytelling.</p> <p>Contemporary Techniques: The advent of computer-generated imagery (CGI), 3D animation, visual effects (VFX), motion capture, and performance animation revolutionized animation methodologies. These techniques enable the creation of immersive worlds, lifelike characters, and emotionally resonant narratives, pushing the boundaries of creative expression.</p> <p>Trends Redefining Animation: Current trends in animation transcend traditional boundaries, exploring nonlinear narratives, experimental visual styles, and emotionally engaging storytelling. Design aesthetics embrace minimalism, bold visual identities, and abstract forms, fostering a unique canvas for artistic exploration within digital media.</p> <p>Ethical Considerations: The ascendancy of animation in digital media prompts ethical considerations—challenges of accurate representation, inclusivity, and societal impact. Content creators grapple with the responsibility of portraying diverse cultures authentically while navigating the societal impact of animated content.</p> <p>Challenges and Future Trajectory: Challenges persist, balancing technological advancements with artistic integrity, creative constraints, and ensuring ethical practices in production. However, the trajectory forward anticipates the integration of AI, real-time rendering, and machine learning to enhance workflows and foster new realms of creativity.</p> <p>This review encapsulates the historical evolution, contemporary trends, ethical considerations, challenges, and the horizon of future advancements in animation within the realm of digital media. It unravels the profound impact of animation's evolution, positioning it as a transformative force in shaping immersive storytelling and digital experiences.</p> Reshma Satpati Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Engineering Design and Analysis Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Design of MIMO Antenna with Reflector-based Isolation Technique for mm-Wave Applications <p>This work is focused on mutual coupling reduction among the antenna ports at mm-wave frequencies, which are frequencies of interest for 5G communication. Initially, the design and simulation of a single-port T-shaped wideband antenna resonating at 26 GHz with a frequency range of 24-28 GHz have been presented for possible Multiple Input and Multiple Output (MIMO) applications. The single-port wideband antenna has been extended to four-ports, and a reflector approach has been utilized to lessen mutual coupling. This isolation strategy reduces the mutual coupling by 5 dB, which is verified through software simulations. The isolation enhancement is also verified using surface current distributions.</p> R Ramprasad Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Engineering Design and Analysis Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Enhancing Virtual Reality Experiences through Geometric Design Optimization: A Comprehensive Analysis of Risk, Reliability, and Sensitivity" <p>Virtual Reality (VR) has transcended its roots in entertainment, becoming a transformative force across industries. This article delves into the synergy between VR experiences and geometric design optimization, examining how optimization methodologies coupled with risk assessment, reliability analysis, and sensitivity evaluations elevate the immersive potential of VR environments.</p> <p>The exploration begins by elucidating the pivotal role of geometric design in crafting VR landscapes. It dissects the significance of optimization strategies, addressing the fine balance between visual fidelity and computational efficiency. Leveraging risk and reliability-based optimization methodologies, the article showcases how pre-emptive measures mitigate potential flaws within VR designs, ensuring robust and dependable experiences.</p> <p>Moreover, sensitivity analysis emerges as a guiding principle, unraveling the intricate dependencies between design elements and user experiences. By systematically probing sensitivity to variations, this analysis guides iterative refinements, steering VR environments toward optimal functionality and user engagement.</p> <p>Through diverse case studies across industries such as architecture, automotive, healthcare, and education, this article showcases the practical application of geometric design optimization in refining user interactions, mitigating risks, and honing immersive experiences. It illuminates future trends, acknowledging the integration of AI, blockchain, and the convergence of VR with augmented realities, while also recognizing the ethical and social implications that demand careful consideration.</p> <p>As VR continues its transformative trajectory, the amalgamation of geometric design optimization, risk assessment, reliability analysis, and sensitivity evaluations stand as the cornerstone for crafting immersive, reliable, and user-centric VR experiences. This article acts as a roadmap, inviting stakeholders to navigate the complexities and potentials, fostering a future where VR seamlessly integrates with human interactions, redefining the boundaries of immersive technology.</p> Manab Dey Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Engineering Design and Analysis Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Innovative and unique generative design solution for the leg part of a robot using Autodesk Fusion 360 CAD software <p>Generative design is the innovative and novel feature of Fusion 360. As AI has become a common and compulsory tool in every search engine, the concept of generative design has also been for the designing software, to generate optimum models of designs. To showcase the concept above, in this paper four best outcomes of the generative design of the leg-2 have been discussed with tabular, pictorial, and graphical analysis. Leg-2 is the name given to the component of one of the glass cleaning robots. This paper will also show how a design is being optimized through multiple iterations, about the structural load and other constraints. For all four case studies/outcomes mass, stress and displacement analysis is presented graphically with respect to different types of materials. The results of these case studies are found within the critical yield strength values of respective material along with mass optimization through generative design analysis.</p> Pankaj Gupta Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Engineering Design and Analysis Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000