Curcumin loaded electrospun poly (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) p(HEMA) nanofibers as Antioxidant and Anticancer agents
CDKN2A, Curcumin, DPPH, ABTS, p(HEMA) nanofiberAbstract
Curcumin loaded poly(2-hydroxyethyl metharcylate) p(HEMA) nanofiber were prepared using electrospinning technique. The curcumin loaded nanofiber induced dose and time based cell proliferation on A375 melanoma cells. Good free radical scavenging activity were exhibited by DPPH and ABTS methods. Apoptotic activity at 200µg concentration at 192 hrs was effective by DAPI staining method. Expression of cyclin dependent kinase (CDKN2A) gene was quantified by real time quantitative PCR and mRNA expression was up regulated. Hence the results shows that curcumin loaded p(HEMA) nanofiber exihibit good anticancer and antioxidant property
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