Interwining two technologies: 3D Printed Nanotechnology
3D printing, Nanotechnology, Revolution, BioprintingAbstract
Three-Dimensional (3D) bioprinting is an additive manufacture technique with huge potential in the development of custom tissue scaffolds and medical devices, particularly in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, for different biomedical applications. This emerging technology has stimulated different fields of biomedical engineering as well as translational medicine because of its new capabilities, such as high speed, slim resolution and design specificity. Over the past years a huge improvement in the therapeutic effectiveness of three-dimensional tissue scaffolds has been seen through the integration of Nanotechnology concepts and nanomaterials with 3D biopression techniques. Because of their high surface-to-volume ratios and quantum containment effects, nanotechnological methods and nanomaterials have special physical, chemical and biological properties. The combination of nanomaterials and techniques for 3D bioprinting however improves the development of 3Dbioprinted fabrics with improved physicochemical and biological properties. Like 3D printing, nanotechnology is one of the most extension fields in recent years for study and progress. Both are moving towards revolutionizing different fields, including medicine, manufacturing, global economics and space exploration. This paper discusses the ways in which these two potential revolutions can be connected and interwoven with nanotechnology and 3D printing.
How to cite this article:
Sharma A. Interwining Two Technologies: 3D Printed Nanotechnology. J Adv Res NanoSci NanoTech 2021; 3(1): 1-6.
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