Analysis of Effect of Deposition Parameters on Thickness of Co-sputtered Titanium/Alumina Thin Film Using ANOVA
Titanium (Ti)& Alumina (Al2O3), CCD; Co-Sputtering, Magnetron Sputtering; Analysis of VarianceAbstract
The aim of this article is to study the influence of deposition parameter on thickness of Titanium (Ti) - Alumina (Al2O3) thin film co-sputtered using magnetron sputtering technique on Stainless Steel grade 304(SS304) and Copper (Cu) substrates. Nanostructured thin film have been sputtered simultaneously from two targets (Ti and Al2O3) by Direct Current (DC) magnetron sputtering and Radio Frequency (RF) magnetron sputtering respectively without substrate heating. Though most engineering cutting tools are primarily manufactured from bulk material, thin film is often required for hardness, its adhesiveness and surface integrity control. This paper presents the result of an analysis of experimental investigation on thickness. The experiments have been carried out based on rotatable Central Composite Design (CCD) of experiments approach. The influence of deposition parameters viz. DCpower, RF Power and inert gas flow rate on thickness has been analyzedstatistically by ANOVA. It is established that DC power and RF power have been linearly significant. Contour plots of thickness have been developed for DC power and RF power.
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