Tamarind Seed Polysaccharides Blended with Cloisite 30B for the Controlled Release of Anticancer Drug Vincristine
TSP, Nano Composite, Cloisite30B, Vincristine , Drug delivery, KineticsAbstract
In the present research program, tamarind seed polysaccharides (TSP) was blended with Cloisite 30B in aqueous solution. The TSP was characterized by various physicochemical techniques such as FTIR, X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis and SEM studies. From the X-ray diffraction it was observed the amorphous nature of TSP and from FTIR also observed different groups presnt in TSP. The results indicated that an intercalated or partially exfoliated nanocomposite could be achieved and the properties of the composite were significantly improved. The drug release kinetics were investigated using anticancer drug vincristine sulfate . The kinetics of the drug delivery system was systematically studied. Drug release kinetics was analyzed by plotting the cumulative release data vs. time by fitting to an exponential equation which indicated the non-Fickian type of kinetics. The drug release was investigated at different pH medium and it was found that the drug release depends upon the pH medium as well as the nature of matrix.
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