An Analysis on outcome of Addition of Nanoparticle Additives on Tribological Properties of Lubricants
Nanoparticles, Lubricating Oil, Friction Coefficient, Wear BehaviorAbstract
The reduction of friction and wear is critical so as to proper functioning
of machines. A more complex machine has a high quality lubrication
requirement. Machine components and mechanism pairs depends on
high-quality lubricants to enable withstanding high temperatures and
Extreme Pressures (EP). Tribological investigations are to be performed
on lubricating oil containing, Cu, Cu25C and Fe, Fe25C nanoparticles
and their combinations to improve the tribological properties of the
lubricant. The tribological behavior can be evaluated on a four ball
oil tester machine and it is expected that the tests will show that
each set of nanoparticles significantly reduce the friction coefficient
and wear of friction pairs. The use of nanoparticles shall provide the
most effective reduction of friction and wear in each combination
of nanoparticles. Surface investigation will display the constituent
elements of nanoparticles precipitate on the contact surface during the
use of the oils with nano-additives. Different structures formed on the
friction surface area will be observed in the contact zone and over the
remnants of the ball surface. The Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
micrographs and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) examination is
to be done so as to authorize the formation of a tribolayer collected of
the elements from the nanoparticles.
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