Comparative Analysis of Tribological Performance of AlTiN and CrN Coating
Aluminium Titanium Nitrate (AlTiN), Titanium (Ti) Materials, CoefficientAbstract
Depositions of surface coating materials is one of the important
approaches in improving friction and wear properties of the surface,
there is a growing demand for low friction coatings like Aluminium
Titanium Nitrate (AlTiN) and Chromium Nitrate (CrN) that allow
contacting surfaces to rub against with reduced friction and wear.
Low friction coatings are commonly used to solve tribological problems
and in particular problems of fretting. Hence, the use of low friction
coatings like AlTiN and CrN is to improve the tribological properties
of tools for metal cutting, forming and machine elements e.g. sliding
bearings, seals and valves etc. It is therefore of strong scientific interest to
conduct fundamental tribological research on the materials the exhibits
low friction and can be used for surface coating. Performance of low
friction coating is analysed based on parameters such as coefficient of
friction and wear rate.
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