Joining of Dissimilar Metals using Resistance Spot and Friction Stir Spot Welding for Automotive Applications: A Review
Automotive, Dissimilar Metals, RSW, FSSW, MicrostructureAbstract
In automobile industry the demand of lightweight material is increasing
extensively to reduce an environmental damage. Use of aluminium alloys
and high strength steel serves the purpose of automotive applications
but integration of these dissimilar metals has brought some advance
challenges for achieving acceptable joints. This study reviews the
different joining processes for the basic understanding of processes,
properties, structure and limitations of dissimilar metal by Resistance
Spot Welding and Friction Stir Spot Welding. RSW is commonly used
joining process in the industry because its ability to join wide range
of metals efficiently. The RSW has significant interest in automotive
manufacturing processes due to its main benefits of high speed and
low cost of operation. Friction Stir Spot Welding (FSSW) is a recently
developed solid state joining method for joining difficult-to-weld
dissimilar metals. FSSW is consequent friction stir welding technology;
its major benefits are low cost joining, lower welding temperature
and shorter welding time than conventional welding methods. The
main interest of this study to review the metallurgical characteristics,
hardness–microstructure correlation and mechanical performance of
the dissimilar metals by Resistance spot welding and Friction stir spot
welding method.
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