Parametric Analysis of Die Manufacturing Industry Using Cad-Cam Integration Approach
Material handling System, Hydraulic StackerAbstract
It is well identified element that in complete product life cycle the most
inefficient process is the industrial process i.e. the machining operations
as per customer demand. The same rule is also appropriate for die
making. The die comprises some complicated shapes and complicated
profile on itself which is not possible to produce by using conventional
machining process. Also, when conventional machining process are
used, the time mandatory to industrial for die is too great alongside
this it is very problematic to handle the quality issues arises in industrial
product. This makes the considerate effect on the efficiency of the firm.
So, it is indispensable to focus on machining operations for reducing
lead time. The contemporary tool room cannot say updated unless
there is CNC or VMC machine set up. But motionless the company
may face the problematic of production delay and poor quality. This
is since of lack of awareness towards proper process employment.
This is since of lack of knowledge of CAD-CAM system. Also, the shop
floor people cannot instrument the process plan as tutored because
of the restraint of bottleneck. The over-all effect of soul behavior is
intensification in production lead time, growth in the production time
of individual element, poor quality management and imperfection of
quality of end product.
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