Carbon Footprint: CO2 Emission In Industry
Carbon Footprint, Co2 Emission, Greenhouse GasAbstract
Carbon footprint has become an effective approach for evaluating
carbon emission, aiming at tracking down total carbon emission across
the life cycle to provide scientific bases for carbon lessening. This paper
presents the research progress in carbon footprint analysis based on a
comprehensive literature review, summarizing definitions, computational
methods and application case histories of carbon footprint. As for
computational methods, process analytic method and input-output
analysis approach are highlighted. Case histories in this paper report
the application of footprint analysis with respect to different scales and
industrial sectors/infrastructure departments. Prospects for research
trends in the area of carbon footprint are discussed as well. Climate
change is unique of the greatest persistent encounters in the biosphere.
Human emissions of greenhouse gases carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous
oxide, methane, and others have augmented global temperatures by
around 1 meanwhile pre-industrial time.
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Economic input–output Life cycle assessment (EIOLCA). Internet Model, available online at http://www. online at
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