A Survey on Copper Doping Zno Thin Films
XRD, ZnO, Diffraction, ResistivityAbstract
The outcome of copper doping ZnO thin films, placed by means of
a sol-gel dip-coating process, on the structural, optical and ethanol
vapour-sensing possessions, was observed. The variety of the doping
content is 0 wt. %–5 wt. % Cu/Zn and the films’ assets were deliberate
using x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and a UV–vis
Zinc oxide is one of the most important n-type semi-conductors
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is reflected on optical and electrical proprieties of films. Certainly, the
examples contemporary a low optical transmittance level and the
band gap values amid 3.17 eV and 3.20 eV. Regarding the electrical
properties, a diminution in the attentiveness of free charges transporters
is experiential as well as a lessening in resistivity.
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