Placement of D-FACTS in Distribution Network with the Accommodation of Distributed Sources
This article proposes the placement of D-facts in distribution network at optimal location in the presence ofdistributed energy resources. With increasingcapacityof DGs in power system, at present concerns on increasing capacity of distributed energy resources in the power system leads to monitor the voltage profile all the time. An increasing implementation of environmentally friendly power-generation technologies in power system operation imposes problems in its operation. In particular, the power does not only flow “vertically,” i.e., from the higher to the lower voltage levels of the system, but also “horizontally,” i.e., fromonedistribution system to another or from a generator to a load within the same distribution system. The operation of the power system in such a horizontally manner is an important issue for the inclusion of D-FACTs devicesalongthedistribution networks.
The main objective of the proposed research work is to increase the penetration level of distributed generators in the distribution networks with improved power quality and reliability, as the power quality mainly voltage profile is disturbed with the penetration of distributed generators in distribution networks, because of bidirectional flow of power. In order to maintain the voltage profile within the permissible limit, there is need to place D-FACTs devices at optimal locations. In order to have increased DGs capacity and to maintain the voltage profile in permissible limits D-FACTs devices have been placed optimally, according to the ranking of the nodes depending upon the voltage profile.
The problem has been formulated and simulated in MATLAB environment. The 33- node generic distribution network with the injection of various DERs capacity has been considered.
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