Locational Bias to Unscheduled Interchange Scheme for Unscheduled Interchange Price in India


  • Gaurav Kumar Chaturvedi M.Tech. Scholar, Apex Institute of Engineering and Technology, Sitapura, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India


Socio-availability based tariff, UI, Loss allocation, Locational bias.


The Unscheduled Interchange (UI) scheme has been introduced in India to
maintain grid discipline, security and frequency within a frequency band. The
present UI price scheme depends on grid frequency. It does not include the
system losses occurring due to the UI deviation. Because of this UI account
does not settle over a day. This article suggests a scheme of locational bias to
current UI price to include system losses due to UI deviation. This locational
bias is found by allocating the losses to system buses. The simulation carried
out on IEEE 14 bus system, IEEE 30 bus system and western regional grid 73
bus system.



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